F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager: SAML IDP Lab > Class 1: SAML Identity Provider (IdP) Lab > Module 2: Access Control Source | Edit on

Lab 2.2: Test Access Control

Now that you have your IdP configured we need to test it to make sure it is working as expected.

Task 1 - Test with an Authorized User

  1. Open Chromium and navigate to https://app.f5demo.com

  2. Login with the test credentials

    Username Password
    alice agility
  3. You should now see a demo application.


  4. Click the user icon in the top right of the app and logout

Task 2 - Test with an Unauthorized User

  1. Navigate to https://app.f5demo.com (you can click the bookmark)

  2. Login with the test credentials

    Username Password
    john agility
  3. You should now see an error page since John is not a member of the sales group


  1. Close the Chromium browser